Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:


Backing Vocals

Synth Lead
Pad 2 (warm]

Lead Guitar
Acoustic Guitar (steel]

Rhythm Guitar
Acoustic Guitar (steel]

Electric Bass (finger]


Lead 4 (chiff]

[Hey girl, I got something real important to give you So just sit down, and listen.] Girl you know we been to-ge-ther, such a long, long, ti-i-me (such a long time). And now I'm rea-dy to lay it on th-e li-ine Wow, you know it's Chris-tmas, and my heart is o-pen wide. Gon-na give you some-thing So you know what's on m-y m-i-nd. A gift real spe-cial, so take off the t-o-p. Take a look in-side, it's my dick in a box. Not gon-na get you a dia-mond ring, That sort of gift don't mean a-n-y thi-ng. Not gon-na get you a fan-cy ca-r. Girl you go-tta know you're my shi-ning star. Not gon-na get you a house in the hills. A girl like you needs so-me-thing re-al. Wan-na get you some-thing from the he-art. It's my dick in a box. My dick in a box b-a-b-e. It's my dick in a box. O-o-oh My dick in a box, girl. See I'm wise e-nough to know when a gift needs gi-vin'. (yeah) And I got ju-st the o-ne. Some-thin' to show you that you are se-cond to no-ne. (yeah, yeah, yeah.) To all the fe-llas out there, with la-dies to im-press. It's ea-sy to do, just fo-llow these steps. One, cut a hole in a box. Two, put your junk in that b-o--x. Three, make her o-pen the box. And that's the way you do it. It's my dick in a box. My dick in a box b-a-b-e. It's my dick in a box. O-o-oh My dick in a box, girl. Christ-mas, dick in a box. Ha-nu-kkah, dick in a b-o--x. Kwan-zaa, a dick in a box, Ev-ry sin-gle ho-li-day a dick in a b-o-x. O-ver at your pa-rent's house a dick in a box. [Mid-day at the groc-ery store a dick in a box.] Back-stage at the C-M-A's a dick in a b-o-x. Yeah wow wow wow, wow, wow. A dick in a box, a dick in a box, a dick in a box.